I'm having a painting exhibit at the New York Mills Regional Cultural Center for September. I'll be showing works from my MEN FROM EARTH series, depicting workers and food merchants. From the field to the farmers market, to the cafe and the coffee shop, I depict people involved in the most ancient of tasks, providing sustenance. http://www.kulcher.org/
I have a passion for photography as well. Painting full time doesn't leave much time for taking photos, but I've manage to shoot a few now and then. A good photo doesn't make a good model for a painting. A good photo stands alone and can't be improved upon really. They are two different art disciplines, each having unique requirements for success.
I've passed a nearby farm many times. It's a pretty little farm with gently rolling topography and Crooked Creek running through the pasture. I thought this place may provide some inspiration for a new painting or two - I like to hang out with cows - So I stopped by a few days ago and bought some sweet corn from them. After a brief conversation, I was granted permission to shoot some photos. I ducked under the electrified barb wire fence and commenced to shootin. Before long the cows were all around me checking me out. I'll revisit Crooked Creek farm and see what happens. BTW the corn was really good . . .
I paint landscapes because I'm amazed by this wondrous planet that God Created. I also enjoy studying people engaged in day to day life. Then there are the things we humans build. I'm in awe of it all and I'm incredibly grateful.
New York . . . Mills
Still working on the website and finishing off a couple of farmers market pieces for an upcoming show in New York Mills MN in September. It's been a busy summer just keeping up with the gardens and things. Fortunately we had a chance to do some fishing on the river before all of the rain, then subsequent flooding. The river spilled over the banks for a couple of weeks. Mosquitos . . . .